πŸ€–Kevin Malone

This is our friendly Discord Bot!! Kevin Malone provides a Discord native way to interact with Govrn.

One way to interact with Govrn is with our Discord Bot, Kevin Malone.

Kevin Malone is our friendly DAO Accountant that helps you submit, record, and keep track of your contributions.

If you are your DAO's Discord Admin and want to onboard your DAO to Govrn

  1. First invite our friendly bot β€” Kevin Malone β€” to your Discord Server. You'll need to be the Discord Admin using the following link.

  2. You can choose to create a new channel called #contribution-logging to use for contributions and receiving weekly reports (optional)

  3. Then send the /join command in either the new #contribution-logging channel or any channel to interact with Kevin.

  4. Kevin will then DM you.

  5. DM Kevin back answering his questions.

  6. If you ended up creating a new channel, please let us know your channel’s ID so we set up the weekly reports

If your DAO has already onboarded to Govrn and you want to record contributions

This means your DAO Admin has invited Kevin Malone to your Discord already. Please follow these instructions to associate yourself with your DAO on Govrn.

To associate yourself with your DAO, you'll need to interact with Kevin. Be sure to start with the /join command in any channel of your DAO's Discord or specified channel if there is one. Then interact with Kevin's questions in your DM's.

If you are a contributor (but not Discord Admin) who wants to track contributions but whose DAO hasn't onboarded to Govrn yet

  1. Hop into Govrn's discord.

  2. Once you join, jump into our #intros channel. Introduce yourself first and then in a separate message, use the following command line /join.

  3. Once you've done so, Kevin Malone will DM you. Be sure to DM him back with the following command line /add_dao.

  4. Copy your Discord Server's ID found on the left panel of Discord. Right click and choose Copy ID.

  5. If you don't see this option, make sure to go to User Settings > Advanced first and toggle Developer Mode to ON (to be able to see your Discord Server's ID)

  6. Paste & send the ID to Kevin

  7. Write your DAO’s name

πŸ’¬ Commands

Run the below commands in a DM with Kevin Malone or in your DAO's discord server.


The /join command is the first command you should use when you enter a discord server or join a DAO. This is the onboarding step that both helps you join that DAO and sets you up in Govrn to start recording your contributions.

You will be asked for your:

  • Display Name

  • Your associated Ethereum Wallet Address to your Guild

  • Twitter Handle


Use the /add_dao command to start associating your contributions with a DAO. Using this command will request your DAO be added to Govrn.


Once you run /join, you’ll be asked to give different pieces of onboarding information to help set you up. We know that sometimes we input the wrong information, so the update command allows you to update and/or fix any wrong ID information!


The third, and most important command is the report command. Once you run this command, Kevin will send you a link to the web portal that is specific to your DAO. Once you open the web portal, you can:

a. Select the user you’re reporting for (yourself)

b. Choose a contribution type from the predefined list (or write in your own)

c. Add the date of the contribution

d. Add a short description


After you have been submitting contributions, you will want to receive a report of your contributions. Luckily, Kevin can help you do that. When you start typing /points, a list of date range options will appear. Choose the date range you want to (note: this filters your contribution by the date the contribution happened, not the submission date). Kevin will send you a table of your contributions. Finally, he’ll give you an option to download a csv file of the report as well!

Last updated