⛓️Set up Gnosis Chain

Govrn.app currently runs on Gnosis Chain. You'll need to make sure Gnosis Chain is added to your preferred wallet.

  1. Add Gnosis Chain to Wallet

To check on Metamask, hover over the Network to switch to Gnosis Chain.

If you can't find it, you can easily set it up. Just follow this tutorial on how to set it up with Metamask.

2. Purchase DAI from Centralized Exhange Next, you’ll need some xDAI to cover transaction fees on Gnosis Chain. You cannot buy xDAI directly as it is a bridge from DAI on the Ethereum mainnet. Because of this, you will have to purchase DAI using a trading platform and then bridge it to xDAI. You can use Coinbase, Binance or your preferred exchange to purchase DAI on Ethereum mainnet.

3. Bridge DAI from Ethereum Mainnet to xDAI on Gnosis Chain

Once you purchase DAI, you can head over to the xDAI Bridge. You’ll need to connect your wallet and swap DAI from Ethereum Mainnet to xDAI on Gnosis Chain.

Check out this tutorial on how to use the xDAI bridge

👉 Tip: You’ll need some ETH in your wallet to bridge over to Gnosis Chain.

4. Connecting to Govrn Web App

Once it successfully completes on both chains, you’ll have xDAI in your wallet.

You’re now able to mint on-chain contributions using Govrn’s Web App!! 🥳

You can connect to our Web App as long as you have added the Gnosis Chain. You just won’t be able to mint on-chain if you don’t have some small amount of xDAI to cover the cost of the transaction.

Get xDAI using Gnosis Faucet

If you don't want to bridge from mainnet to Gnosis chain, you can receive small amounts of xDAI each day using the Gnosis Chain faucet. This should be enough to mint a couple contributions at once.

Last updated